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Tyler Union
A ductile iron sleeve produced by Tyler Union, Anniston, Alabama.

Tyler Union Starts Expansion

Aug. 1, 2023
More ductile iron melting capacity and new molding operations, along with new machining capabilities, will allow the McWane unit to cast large-diameter fittings and valves.

A July groundbreaking event marked the start of a $24-million, 54,000-square-feet expansion to the melting and molding operations at the Tyler Union foundry in Anniston, AL. The project is scheduled to be completed by summer 2024.

The new equipment to be installed will increase total capacity for the McWane Inc. operation, allow it to cast large-diameter ductile iron fittings and valves, and to expand its machining capabilities.

Accordingly, the expanded operation will lead to 15 to 25 new positions at Tyler Union, which currently has over 500 workers.

“We look forward to adding to our teams and supplying them with the space and equipment to increase production capacity and continue our industry-leading reputation as committed partners in our clients’ successes,” stated v.p.-operations Jon Pollard.

Tyler Union produces ductile iron fittings, joint restraints and valve boxes.