| | | | | | Following an extensive joint-development process, six additive manufacturing systems are producing sand molds and cores for aluminum engine castings. |
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| | Sponsored | | At Conveyor Dynamics we offer replacement for all vibratory brands including motors, springs, stabilizers, bearings, eccentric shafts, screens, and replacement troughs. A quick inquiry to us and you’ll find immediate savings for all your vibratory equipment. |
| | An Italian manufacturer of sand molds and cores will cut its material costs and emissions by implementing the Resand Ltd. technology for recycling bonded sand. |
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| | Sponsored | | Challenging hard, abrasive materials demand an application-specific, precise sawing solution -- Starrett Advanz™ FS Carbide Tipped Band Saw Blades with triple chip tooth geometry cut faster, resist shock, and last longer than any other blade when sawing castings, gates, and risers. And Starrett, The World’s Largest Saw Blade Manufacturer, is ready to prove it. |
| | An Artificial Intelligence-powered platform is showing metalcasters what to adjust and when, turning complex processes into manageable steps. |
| | Foundries that make the right investments can catalyze improvements in profitability, production reliability, workforce satisfaction, and process customization. |
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| | Sponsored | | Unlock the secrets to maximizing your shot blast machine’s performance! Stanislav Venclik, the innovative mind behind Wheelabrator’s blast wheel technology, shares why upgrading is essential to cutting costs and boosting efficiency! |
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| | | | Finance types struggle to understand the soft science of brand equity. Marketers know return on investment is a long-term play. |
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| | Sponsored | | FS&D provides complete Engineering & Consulting Services to the Foundry Industry. Staffed with highly experienced engineers, we provide operational assistance, facility layout & design, project management, foundry automation, system integration and installation services. |
| | A new portable 3D metrology device features five operating modes for manufacturing operations, where speed, accuracy, and throughput are critical to performance. |
| | Three options include PCs for working in harsh indoor environments; outdoor, high-brightness conditions; and open-frame industrial panel PCs for seamless integration with machines. |
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