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High-Pressure Projects for Flow-3D

Aug. 26, 2012
Flow Science Inc. develops CFD modeling software for industrial and scientific applications. Bholster Technologies simulates complex engineering problems involving fluid dynamics and heat transfer

Modeling software developer Flow Science, Inc. has a cooperative agreement in place now with Bholster Technologies Ltd., to consult on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) projects for high-pressure diecasting.  Bholster is a Toronto-based company that simulates casting processes and product and process development. Reportedly, the company has “an extensive background in experimental research in casting technologies.”

High-pressure diecasting is the process of injecting molten metal (usually aluminum) into a mold or die to achieve rapid filling and detail formation. It’s commonly used to produce precision parts, with critical details and surface conditions.

“When simulating any process, the most important step is to recognize the dominant physics that affect that system and to be sure that these variables are accounted for,” according to Bholster Technologies’ Rabi Bhola. “FLOW-3D is capable of accounting for a wide range of physics accurately, and can provide incredible insight right at the product design phase of any casting program. We offer years of simulation experience bringing casting processes down to a science.”

FLOW-3Dis a family of “transient, free-surface” CFD modeling programs developed by Flow Science Inc. for industrial and scientific applications. The programs are used to resolve complex fluid modeling problems in metalcasting, as well as in aerospace design, consumer product design, and numerous other applications. The company has distributors worldwide.

About the Author

Robert Brooks | Content Director

Robert Brooks has been a business-to-business reporter, writer, editor, and columnist for more than 20 years, specializing in the primary metal and basic manufacturing industries. His work has covered a wide range of topics, including process technology, resource development, material selection, product design, workforce development, and industrial market strategies, among others.