ASK Chemicals has a long history and continuing focus on research and development technical services design simulation and product specialization as well as a team of ldquoexpertsrdquo oncall to address foundriesrsquo problems with products materials and production processes

Looking Back Before Looking Ahead

Nov. 30, 2015
A retrospective — and prospective review of how a column deals with your issues, and ours Why… who… how? Leveraging strengths, resources Dedicated organization

The ASK the Expert column has now been running for two years and we’ve been delighted at the response it’s received from our readers and contributors. Every month new questions have arrived from around the country on foundry topics ranging in type and complexity. Our excellent team of experts have nearly been stumped a few times. Fortunately, they’ve always come through and even shared some back-and-forth dialog with some of you. With this final ASK the Expert column of 2015 we thought we would share our editorial vision and hopes for the future. As always, please continue sending us your questions…your issues are our issues!

Why did ASK Chemicals create ASK the Expert?
Perhaps a better question is, ‘Why has it taken us so long to create ASK the Expert?’ As a foundry consumable provider, we’re constantly being asked questions by our customers. It’s simply a part of being a provider of products and services in this industry.

Of course, the majority of the questions pertain to our specific products, but even so these are process-oriented questions that have a broader significance. We’re required to know a lot about foundry processes because that’s where our products go.

So, an ASK the Expert column made a lot of sense as a way to maintain a regular contact with our customers and prospects. Why not develop a platform for sharing these common issues we’re invariably all dealing with? It benefits everyone.

What makes us the “Experts” on these topics?
We’re well aware that many “experts” exist in this industry outside of our network. It’s not the point of this column to suggest otherwise. Rather, we’re trying to leverage our strengths to encourage industry knowledge and understanding in the broadest sense. ASK Chemicals has a longstanding history/focus on research and development, technical services, design simulation and product specialization.

Parlaying our accumulated expertise into education programs and platforms is one way that, as a company, we choose to “give-back”. It’s why we provide our customers free foundry seminars – Casting Academy – twice per year, featuring our brightest researchers and metallurgists. We know we’re not the only experts out there, and yet we access a vast storehouse of information that can assist you and your foundry process.  

Who are the Experts answering the questions?
Fortunately we have several “experts” we’re able to call upon for any particular topic. Our correspondents and readers may be assured that we select the best talent available to find answers to the problems presented here. Who are they? They’re mostly our researchers, chemists and metallurgists — the lab-rats — producing brilliant new solutions and investigating customer defect-analysis samples every day. These bright-minds are our “experts”, and yours too!

How does ASK Chemicals provide additional support for metalcasters’ questions?
We’ve dedicated departments specifically for this purpose. Our Technical Services Group, for instance, specializes in analyzing foundry processes. They have the expertise and tools required to identify any problem at your sand foundry. For product-specific issues, our Product Specialists are dedicated to optimizing the right inputs for your foundry. Therefore, as always, we encourage you to call us. We will assist in whatever way we can.

What are the future plans for ASK the Expert?
We will continue working with customers and readers, highlighting new questions and supplying answers for your benefit and enjoyment. Be sure to visit our page at read the topics we’ve covered so far, and be a part of the conversation. We thank all our readers for your interest in ASK the Expert, and look forward to working with you next year!Charles Hoertz is ASK Chemicals’ Marketing Manager – Americas. Contact him at 614-763-0316, or [email protected]

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