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Waupaca Foundry
Dual pouring at Waupaca Foundry.
Tatsiana Kuryanovich | Dreamstime
Tatsiana Kuryanovich | Dreamstime | Split in global market.

New Hunter Molding Machine, Handling System Installed

Jan. 16, 2009
The HLH-30 linear pouring line at AKWA has 27 molding positions.

The HLH-30 linear mold handling pouring line installed by Hunter Automated Machinery at AKWA, in Poland, has 27 mold positions.

Hunter Automated Machinery supplied a new XL2430 automatic molding machine and HLH-30 linear mold-handing system for a Polish valve manufacturer. Zaklad Produkcyjny Armatury Przemyslowej AKWA Sp. z.o.o. — known as AKWA — operates a foundry in Gniezno, Poland, where Hunter installed the two new systems, supervising the project and also assisting with the effort to adapt the foundry’s existing patterns.

Hunter, of Schaumburg, IL, designs matchplate molding machines and mold-handling systems, along with sand preparation and testing systems.

The new installations at AKWA includes Hunter’s XL2430 automatic molding machine, to produce 24x30 in. molds (610x762 mm) molds, with a 12-in. (305-mm) cope and a 11-in. (280-mm) drag. (AKWA continues to operate its previous cope-and-drag line.)

The HLH linear mold-handling system includes an AC-6 (six positions) accumulating conveyor, situated between the molding machine and transfer station. This AC-6 will store molds between the molding machine and mold handling system for up to 7.2 minutes, when operating at the rate of 50 molds per hour.

Hunter’s XL2430 automatic molding machine produces 24x30 in. molds, with a 12-in. cope and an 11-in. drag.

The particular advantage of the accumulating conveyor is that it allows the molding machine to run continuously as long as there are positions available, even if there is a delay in metal delivery.

The HLH-30 linear mold handling pouring line has 27 mold positions, of which 20 have weights and jackets. It has an automatic weight and jacket cleaner situated between the the pouring line and return line. All weights and jackets are cleaned each time they are rotated throughout the system.

This pouring line allows for 22.8 minutes of cooling under weights and jackets, at a production rate of 50 molds per hour.

The cooling portion of this system has 17 trays, each of which will hold two molds. When operating at 50 molds/hour, this system provides an additional 38.4 minutes of cooling without weights and jackets, for a total cooling time of 61.2 minutes while producing at a rate of 50 molds per hour.