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Diecaster Plans New Furnace for Energy Efficiency

July 1, 2008
Walker Die Casting aims to cut melting charges

Walker Die Casting, Lewisburg, TN, plans to install a new melting furnace, the company confirms, in a bid to increase energy efficiency. Company president John Walker indicated that no contract has been assigned for the new furnace, and different melting technologies are still under consideration.

However, the family-owned producer of automotive powertrain components and a variety of other aluminum structures has gained approval from local authorities for an expansion of its operation. Though no timetable is available for completing the project, the site plan has gained provisional clearance from the Lewisburg’s Planning Commission, and the project will proceed once the town’s Zoning officials agree to the 16,000-ft2 building expansion.

According to the Marshal County (TN) Tribune, Walker emphasized the company is not expanding to meet new demand. "It's to increase energy efficiency," he said. The president added that electricity and natural-gas charges for melting have risen as much as 25% this year.