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Coremaking expertise is the value proposition for The CoreRoom a new venture by LaempeReich that produces cores for all types of foundry operations

A Simple Solution to an Increasingly Complex Matter

April 8, 2011
State-of-the-art CoreRoom Cost-effective quality

Producing cores gets more complicated all the time. In addition to the increasing complexity of casting designs that require more sophisticated data collection and management capabilities; and to the constant changes in emissions regulations and binder chemistry, that demand compliance as well as flexibility; not to mention the equipment, maintenance, power, and labor costs of operating a core room, foundries that produce cores have an increasingly demanding task on their hands — but one that is essential to their business strategies. Not surprisingly, in addition to seeking more advanced coremaking technology and equipment, many foundries are taking advantage of custom core supply arrangements

ReichCompanies has been in the metalcasting equipment and foundry supply business since 1938. In 1989, LaempeReich Corp. was formed as a partnership between Harry C. Reich and Joachim Laempe, who only a few years earlier had established Laempe & Mössner, with its line of coreshooting machines. Today, LaempeReich services over 450 Laempe CoreCenters in North America, while over 5,000 Laempe core machines have been sold globally.

LaempeReich offers complete turnkey solutions including all the core production peripheral equipment, project engineering, and training. Recently it established an entirely new division – The CoreRoom — to produce and supply high-quality, cost-effective cores to foundries, including both high-volume and low-volume operations. It’s a logical addition to the LaempeReich organization, and The Core- Room has provided LaempeReich with the ability to provide customers with particular core production opportunities.

A state-of-the-art facility using Laempe CoreCenters and peripheral equipment, it demonstrates LaempeReich’s understanding of the coremaking process and its ability to add value for current and prospective Laempe CoreCenter customers. “We know what we sell ‘cause we run it, too” David Reich explained. “The ability to know what uptimes are capable on our equipment and how to achieve them are key, not only to our success at The CoreRoom, but also to each and every one of our Laempe CoreCenter customers. We know exactly what it takes. It’s a simple recipe to follow.”