(Left) Visualization of temperatures by virtual particles during the flow in diecasting. (Right) Representation of air and sand velocities during core shooting using virtual particles.

Simulation Software for Autonomous Engineering

Feb. 24, 2020
New release includes a free visualization function, plus new capabilities and improvements for virtual prediction and optimization for all casting processes, including continuous casting and core production.

Recently MAGMA introduced its new release, MAGMASOFT® 5.4.1 — the MAGMASOFT modular simulation software for casting design and optimization — with numerous new capabilities and improvements for virtual prediction and optimization for all casting processes, including continuous casting and core production.

The first development is MAGMAinteract, a visualization function for MAGMASOFT results — a free 3D viewer that allows intuitive visualization of information exported from MAGMASOFT 5.4.1. This presentation promotes communication within the manufacturing organization, as well as between suppliers and customers.

MAGMAinteract offers interactive displays of all MAGMASOFT 3D results, animations of mold filling (including with tracer particles) and the solidification process; visualization of all results and criteria, including distortion for previously defined cross-sections; and the interactive evaluation of virtual designs of experiments in a parallel coordinate diagram. All results can be rotated, zoomed and panned by the user.

With the current release, MAGMASOFT users can select results, export and make these results available to third parties in the compressed MAGMAinteract format. MAGMAinteract can be downloaded free of charge for use with Microsoft Windows 7 or higher.

For diecasting processes, temperature, velocity, and pressure results, as well as the gate from which the melt originated, can be displayed and animated directly on virtual particles (tracer particles). This simplifies the judgment of complex, flow-relevant questions. For the design of the shot profile, various options are now available for evaluating curves for plunger speeds and the pressure curve reduced by the PQ² function.

Users of MAGMA C+M (i.e., "core and mold") can apply the new functions to evaluate flow with virtual particles for the design and optimization of core production. Typical application examples include assessing different flow velocities of gas and sand flow, or investigating the cooling behavior of air for drying inorganically bound cores.

In cooperation with DISA, the database for the MAGMAdisa module was updated for all current molding lines. Together with FOSECO, new datasets for SCK risers were added to the geometry database. For users of MAGMA C+M, it is possible now to interactively place nozzles from the parametric database onto the surface of the core geometry in a few simple steps. In the Result Perspective, numerous improvements have been implemented for fast display and evaluation of project results. The picking function can be used to display different results at defined locations.

New optimization objectives are available for users of stress simulations. For example, distortion predictions can be evaluated and optimized with regard to their deviations from defined points, lines or angles.

For heat treatment simulations, significant improvements have been installed for automatic determination of contact between the component and the heat treatment rack. All contact pairings are automatically detected and continuously updated based on the part and rack distortion. In this way, the realistic contact situation is modelled and the predicted distortion corresponds to reality at all times.

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