Laserax, left Open Air Machine; right Rotary Table Machine

Inline Laser Marking and Laser Cleaning

March 26, 2019
Part-to-part traceability via permanent, scannable barcodes provides data-oriented process control for automotive components manufacturers

LASERAX has developed a complete line of laser markers that enables direct part marking to help manufacturers trace every product from early production steps through to product assembly, or beyond. "Our customers will find value in these prepackaged, highly adapted inline solutions," stated Eric Bourbeau. "Dealing with only one specialized stakeholder beats having to deal with the laser manufacturer, an integrator, installers, and laser safety compliance specialists."

Each of the three available laser-marking machines are effective in demanding manufacturing conditions, including foundries, diecasters, and other automotive parts operations.

The Open-Air Machine (OAM) is used in automated production cells and serviced by an industrial robot. The robot holds the part in front of the machine during the marking operation: when marking is complete, the robot can resume the production cycle.

The Rotary Table Machine (RTM) is a more advanced technology for automated laser marking of parts. Marked parts are removed from the machine’s laser safety enclosure and carried by a robot arm to the next process station. Then, the robot can load the RTM with the next part to be marked. The feeding system allows laser marking to be done "in hidden time," according to the developer.

The Rotary Table Workstation (RTW) is a manually loaded by an operator, then fully automated for the rest of the laser-marking sequence. It ensures reliable and consistent markings, and operator safety is ensured thanks to best-in-class machine design.
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