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Hexagon Metrology
The long styli with small external diameters reaches all features on a part

High-Precision Scanning Probe Head

Sept. 30, 2012
Rapidly collects thousands of data points Single-point probing, high-speed scanning, and self-centering modes  

HEXAGON METROLOGY released the LSP-X1h probe head for analog scanning on select Global Silver coordinate measuring machines (CMMs). The high-accuracy, 3D analog scanning probe rapidly collects thousands of data points for precise evaluation of complex part features. It supports single-point probing, high-speed scanning, and self-centering modes in lengths ranging from 20 to 225 mm in vertical orientation and 50 mm in the horizontal orientation. The LSP-X1h provides simultaneous and unclamped probing in all axes, always orthogonal to the contact surface.

The LSP-X1h, attaches to TESASTAR-m indexable articulated probe heads. This enables long styli with small external diameters to reach all features on a part. It is ideal for measuring gears and other parts with complex features.

“The LSP-X1h is a logical extension to our scanning sensor family,” stated Milan Kocic, software and sensor product manager. “It adds more versatility and usability to the already extensive offering from Hexagon Metrology”.
