The Casting Emission Reduction Program, a government-industry partnership working to develop and improve products and processes to keep domestic metalcasting globally competitive, is organizing the Metal Casting Technology Forum 2004. The event takes place May 18-19 at the Rock Island Arsenal in Rock Island, IL.
CERP planners say the 2004 Forum will offer “thought-provoking presentations on the national security and policy implications of the metal casting industry.” Metalcasters and their customers representing various market segments — automotive, aerospace, government, etc. — and researchers will discuss strategies and technology needs to help ensure a strong domestic metalcasting capability, now and in the future. Among the topics to be covered are: the “erosion” of domestic metalcasting industry, and the concerns that follow; an examination of the importance of domestic metalcasting to the Dept. of Defense and national security; a review of National Metal Casting Programs, and look at areas of opportunity; and a discussion of advanced methods, products, and technologies that can help metalcasters, now and in the future.
Prior to the Forum, CERP will hold its quarterly steering meeting on May 17 at the Radisson Quad-City Plaze, Davenport, IA.
Registration fees for the CERP Metal Casting Technology Forum are $300 (by April 16; $400 after April 16. Contact Dean Eppley, consultant to CERP, Tel. 916-718-0578, or visit