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AERODYNE’s new GPC Compact Cyclone Dust Collector has a ground-plate design that makes the unit much more compact compared to other high-efficiency cyclones. It uses a dished ground plate installed in the center of the cyclone barrel. This feature eliminates the need for a long tapered cone as required by other high-efficiency cyclones.
The compact size of this collector allows for installation in locations with low overhead clearances and reduces the need for tall maintenance scaffolding.
According to the developer, the GPC Dust Collector is ideal for use as a pre-cleaner for baghouses and other filter type dust collection equipment. Because the GPC has no filters or moving components, it is well suited for reclaiming valuable product for reuse in process.
Aerodyne has specialized at solving dry material handling problems for over 60 years with such products as high-efficiency cyclone dust collectors and low-cost, low-maintenance, material-handling valves.