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VIKING BLAST & WASH SYSTEMS released a newly redesigned tumble belt-blast machine for industrial operation: The 12-cubic-foot, model 1200 incorporates changes to the loader and discharge belt options that make it more durable for heavy duty and foundry operations. The increased options make the 1200 a more versatile machine providing wider applications for multiple industries, according to the developer.
The new 1200 has a smaller footprint thanks to the integration of the media lift system and the elimination of the auger, which lowers overall maintenance cost and improves component accessibility.
By repositioning the 25-HP VKPowerMax series blast wheel, the designers have optimized the blast pattern to make most efficient use of wheel performance.
The drumheads and sideliners are fabricated in manganese alloy, as standard, and are easy to service.
Other optional features are a rotary scalping drum, for removing debris from blast media, loader, take away belt, and auxiliary abrasive hopper. Front bucket loaders and custom unloading conveyors are common options for the 1200.
Peening requirements are satisfied with optional variable speed blast wheel control, electro magnetic abrasive control valve and classifier as well as optional PLC and touch screen for pre-programmed, recorded, part specific recipes.
All Viking cartridge-style dust collectors are sold with NFPA-required deflagration panels as standard.