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Offering itself as a supplier with “single-source responsibility” is a big claim for a foundry – announcing to the world (and particularly to potential customers) that it can handle any production and delivery requirement. And that means being able to handle the scheduling demands of various different production set-ups. One reason that Century Foundry in Muskegon Heights, MI, can make that claim is its recent installation of a high-speed grinding system.
Century Foundry is a third-generation, family-owned aluminum foundry producing green-sand, permanent-mold, and air-set castings for a range of non-automotive buyers.
Earlier this year, Sinto America completed installing its X7i-CDH22R-455MR-C Barinder grinder, allowing Century to achieve more consistency on the finishing end of its casting process.
“Along with the consistency of this machine, we really enjoy how easy the machine is to use,” according to Shane LeRoux, v.p. of Operations. “We are also impressed with the Barinder providing a lifetime of sound performance and quality products.”
The X7i-CDH22R-455MR-C is a compact design that’s simple to program and capable of being managed efficiently in set-ups where a single operator oversees multiple machines. The Barinder’s high speed and efficient processing, with quick part change-over that promotes productivity as well as high finishing quality, recommend it for foundries like Century that produce a variety of small to medium-sized aluminum castings.
The Barinder grinder is well-suited to automated gate and parting-line flash removal, but it’s also effective for finishing inside and outside surfaces of complex castings. The machine’s fixtures, programs, and tools typically can be updated quickly, often in less than five minutes.
The system is available with two- or four-position servo pallet changing, and a rotating main chip saw with a pivoting end-mill tool. The long-lasting tooling conserves operating costs and minimizes dust generation.
Optional features of the Barinder include a chip conveyer, lubricating mister for the main cutting wheel, and floor chute for air blow-off.
In its first casting application with the X7i-CDH22R-455MR-C grinder, Century Foundry reduced its previous average manual processing from 10 minutes and 18 seconds – including belt grind and a bench operation for more detailed actions – to 1 minute, 8 seconds. Reducing the average cycle time by more than 8 minutes is expected to shorten the ROI period for Century Foundry’s new Barinder grinder.