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Tough Decisions That Will Ensure Survival

Aug. 18, 2020
Throughout this pandemic, we have heard continually that we all are “in this together.” The same attitude has forever been at the root of CISA’s purpose.

What a year this has been … and what a year it continues to be!

My professional career began in 1978. Since then I have experienced just about every type of economic market condition that one could imagine. But, nothing I’ve experienced compares to the challenges our industry faces today. These are truly unprecedented times for all of us.

I am sure each of you is painfully aware of the effects that the COVID-19 pandemic is having on your business and on our industry. Compounding the present difficulties is the uncertainty of what the future will be, and the subsequent task of planning for an eventual return to normal.

Even being able to identify what that normal will be presents a daunting challenge.

As an organization, the Casting Industry Suppliers Association has not been immune to the pandemic’s effects. We are an organization of companies that supply equipment, products, and services to the foundry industry, so as the metalcasters’ fortunes fluctuate, so do ours. For all the same reasons, however, CISA’s Directors are accustomed to dealing with tough times. We have been able to meet these current challenges head-on, too.

In the end, we made some tough decisions that will significantly change the organization in the short term, but will ensure our survival going forward. After 101 years of operation, we were not about to let CISA fade away. “That would be un-American” as one of our directors insisted.

We have suspended all in-person meetings and conferences for the next 12 months, at least. We have eliminated all services with the exception of statistics and credit information. We have reduced the annual membership dues by 73%.

The format by which we operate will be different for a time, but our goals and the results will be the same: Success for our member companies and success for the industry industry we exist to support.

Throughout this pandemic, we have heard continually from multiple sources that we all are “in this together.” That same attitude has forever been at the root of CISA’s purpose. By supporting each other our members flourish as they work to improve our industry.  This will continue to be our focus for the coming year, and beyond.

The best of luck to all …

Steve Ryan is the Foundry Team Leader for Badger Mining Corp., Berlin, WI, and the President of the Casting Industry Suppliers Assn. Contact him at [email protected], or visit for more information.

About the Author

Steve Ryan | Foundry Team Leader

Steve Ryan is the Foundry Team Leader for Badger Mining Corp., Berlin, WI, and the President of the Casting Industry Suppliers Assn.