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HA Intl. Introduces Scrubber Solution Recycling

Sept. 4, 2011
HARP program will reclaim TEA, DMIPA and DMEA from PUCB process
HA International is instituting a recycling program for foundries operating Phenolic Urethane Cold Box (PUCB) molding lines, to dispose of the scrubber solution created in that process. The HA Amine Recycling Program (HARP) makes it possible to reclaim TEA, DMIPA and DMEA from amine sulphate scrubber solution using an advanced process technology, according to a statement. HA is the North American foundry industry’s largest supplier of products for core and mold production, including resin systems, resin-coated sand, and refractory coatings. “HARP is yet another ecologically responsible option that HA International adds to its growing list of EcoMission products and programs,” according to its announcement. Foundries interested in the program are invited to complete an online form to begin the process of submitting a scrubber solution sample for analysis and certification. Once the sample is approved, foundries may ship bulk material in totes to a centralized recycling location. Online tracking of the process is available. Interested foundries should visit the HARP customer information page or contact tel. 630-575-5700.