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Recently, ASTECH INC. announced a new line of pleated bag filters to reduce energy costs and increase baghouse efficiency. The pleated bag filters are intended as a preferable alternative to fabric bags and cages, because they last 2-3 times longer. “Longer lasting filters means reduced filter replacement and reduction in downtime and maintenance costs,” the supplier noted.
The filters are made entirely 100% spunbound polyester, and engineered with various pleat geometries and multple construction styles, and engineered to fit most OEM’s pulse-jet baghouses
These filters have rigid physical media properties, with top- and bottom-loading designs, they promote surface filtration and dust release.
Astech claims its filters will achieve collection efficiencies up to 99.9%, and reduce compressed-air usage.
“Our pleated filters are easily installed, last longer, and will save energy costs immediately over conventional filters,” stated Astech Inc. president Alan Bukach. “Our expertise as a foundry puts us in an ideal testing environment. We were so pleased with the results, that we added it to our line.”
Astech manufactures high-performance blasting-system (Wheelabrator, Pangborn, BCP, Goff and others) replacement parts for metalcasting and power companies, and operates as a steel jobbing foundry that specializes in castings for heat, wear and corrosion resistance.