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Tatsiana Kuryanovich | Dreamstime | Split in global market.
Honda of America
Honda’s Anna (OH) Engine Plant is now home to six, 6,000-ton high-pressure diecasting machines. Megacasting machine at Honda, Anna, OH.

Refractories: Pre-Cast Product Speeds Holding Furnace Relines

Feb. 19, 2006
System eliminates water from installation process

Allied Mineral Products has a new development for relining diecasting holding furnaces that it contends reduces the furnace turnaround time, among other advantages. It involves a pre-cast, pre-fired monolithic hot-face lining backed by Allied’s patented Dri-Lite refractory technology.

According to Tony DiSaia, Allied’s v.p.-business development, the pre-cast lining provides a non-wetting surface, and is supported by the Dri-Lite back-up lining. "With this development, we are focused on providing a system that will eliminate water from the installation process, all within the design constraints of heating elements and the capacities of the furnace," DiSaia states.

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